
Posts Tagged ‘bed time’

Another Wednesday, another week of sleep deprivation for me. It turns out, Valentine’s Day is a big holiday where I work, so I have been juggling more hours than usual with school. I have also found a new obsession on Netflix instant watch which has me pressing “play next episode” well after an acceptable bedtime each night. (It’s called “United States of Tara,” but don’t start watching unless you’re ready to give up a weeks worth of a social life!)

When it comes to bed time, Matty is not being so easy these days, but I am told this is normal for a two-year-old. I really hope three is a better age for him, because I am not a huge fan of his bedtime routine right now. This involves screaming when you try to rock him to sleep, escaping from his bed as soon as you walk out the door, and stalking you around the house even after you calmly carry him back to his bed for the seventh time. After he finally catches on that you’re not going to let him watch TV with you, he finds a nifty hiding spot just out of your sight where he eventually falls asleep.

Case in point: Matty sleeps at the top of the stairs while we watch TV at the bottom

While it’s cute that he wants to be near us at all times, it is not so cute that he is constantly defying our wishes to keep him in bed. Terrible twos is NOT an exaggeration. He is seriously a nuisance sometimes.

I know the infant stage is long gone, but it’s hard not to reminisce about the days when Matty would fall asleep in the middle of a game of “this little piggy” or as you held him. He was such an easy baby, besides his chronic cough and lung problems, which is a story for a different day.

Once, he fell asleep while I was changing his diaper

Hunter is quite possibly the best sleeper. When you put him down at night, unless Jesse distracts him from the top bunk, he will generally be asleep within minutes. He has always been this way. I only saw Hunter three or four times before the boys moved in, but I remember the way his slumber could instantly send a chain reaction of sleep through my house. I don’t have many old pictures of the boys, mostly because we didn’t see much of them then, but this picture from Hunter’s infancy is possibly my favorite of all time:

I can't believe how small he was!

Things to note:

  • Dad’s mustache! He had it long before I was born and up until I was 18, when he spontaneously shaved it off and never looked back (It’s weird, because he had it for the majority of my life, but it still looks so foreign in old photos)
  • My pink Razr, which really dates the photo (or you know, the fact that Hunter is only a few months old)
  • Dad’s manly stockpile of phone, remote, and magazine
  • My weird sleeping stance: on my stomach, arms pinned at my sides, face turned sideways on a pillow
  • Mom’s amazing timing, I am seriously forever indebted to her for taking this photo because I love it

I would like to point out that in the beginning, the boys came to us with nothing but the clothes on their back. We were in a different house then, but we didn’t have a bed for the boys. Matty slept in his car seat most nights and Jesse and Hunter were in sleeping bags on the floor of the spare room. I searched for a picture of Jesse sleeping (not an easy task) for this post and I found this one from January of 2010, a month after they moved in:


What can I say? Bedtime is cute.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

–Kacie Riann

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